Tips & tricks

How to tackle some of the obstacles you might experience in day-to-day Malaga life


How to order coffee in Malaga: a beginner’s guide

When learning Spanish, when it comes to ordering coffee, you might be familiar with “café con leche” or “café solo”. However, once in Malaga, some new phrases like “corto” (short), “sombra” (shadow) or “mitad” (half) get thrown into the mix. At first, these confuse foreigners and non-Malagueños alike. That’s because this system is unique to Malaga. Go outside of the […]
Luke Haynes – Semana Santa malaga

5 tips for surviving Semana Santa in Malaga

If you didn’t already know, Semana Santa (Holy Week or Easter Week in English) brings Malaga to an absolute standstill every year. Easter in Spain is not just a religious festival, it’s a deep-rooted tradition that dates back centuries and brings whole communities together. In Malaga city alone, between Palm Sunday and Good Friday, there are more than 40 processions (plus […]

Rubbish collection and recycling in Malaga

Malaga has a well-organised system for rubbish collection and recycling, which helps keep the streets clean and minimises the impact on the environment. One key aspect of rubbish collection in Malaga that sets it apart from some other places – particularly those in Northern Europe – is that rubbish is not collected directly from outside your house or apartment. Instead, […]

7 expert tips for surviving the hot Terral wind in Malaga

Have you heard? The Terral is coming! But are you prepared?! Temperatures around 40 degrees might sound like heaven, but this dry wind makes for an especially unpleasant time and can come in episodes of anything between a few hours to a few days. So, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. Here are 7 top tips for surviving Terral in Malaga! […]