How to get a NIE in Malaga
Resident or not, to get practically anything done in Spain, you need an identification number.
If you’re not Spanish and you’re planning to stay in Spain long term or do business in the country, you should look to get yourself a Número de Identidad de Extranjeros (known most commonly as an NIE).
What is a NIE? What does it look like?
A NIE is simply an identification number printed on a piece of white A4 paper.
The number consists of one letter at the beginning, followed by seven numbers and another letter at the end (for example, Y1234567D).
Why do I need a NIE?
For foreign nationals, the NIE is your all-purpose identification and tax number in Spain.
You’ll need it for practically everything: opening a bank account, getting paid work, buying a property, starting a business, getting a car, getting put onto a utilities contract, paying your taxes…
You may even be asked for one for things like setting up a gym membership, getting a SIM card or picking up a parcel from the post office!
If you want to do any of the above in Spain, you will need a NIE – whether you’re resident or not.
Is a NIE proof of residence?
It’s important to note that, on its own, getting a NIE is NOT proof of residence.
For that purpose, EU citizens need to get a little green paper card called the Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión (also known as ‘residencia’ or the ‘green NIE card’).
Meanwhile, non-EU citizens (including British nationals) need a TIE card.
How do I get a NIE?
Getting a NIE is a relatively straightforward process. However, if you don’t speak Spanish, or you don’t have a Spanish-speaking friend to help you, it can be a little tricky.
Many people choose to enlist the help of an English-speaking notario (notary) who, when authorised, can complete the whole process on your behalf.
If you’re brave enough, this step-by-step guide will get you your NIE in no time at all!
Step 1: Make an appointment at the police station
The process of getting a NIE is handled by the National Police. Therefore, in Malaga city, you have to head to the comisería on the western side of the city.
However, you have to make an appointment first and this can be done easily online, here (those accessing from outside Spain may need to use a VPN).
- First, when it asks for province (provincias disponibles), select “Málaga“.
- Then, on the next page, for office (oficina), choose “CNP MÁLAGA Provincial, Plaza de Manuel Azaña, 3“, then “POLICIA-CERTIFICADOS Y ASIGNACIÓN NIE” from the second drop-down list (TRÁMITES CUERPO NACIONAL DE POLICÍA) and click “Aceptar“.
- On the following page is a list of paperwork you need to take to your appointment. It might be worth printing this off and using it as a checklist. Then click “Entrar“.
- On the next page, select “Pasaporte” and enter your passport number, as well as your name, exactly as it appears on your passport. Click “Aceptar“.
- Next, you have to click “Solicitar Cita“. Enter your phone number and your email address (twice). Click “Siguiente“.
- Here, you can select the date and time of your choice. Click “Siguiente” to confirm.
Note: During busy periods or holidays, appointments can be in short supply. However, new appointments can quickly become available so it’s worth consulting the page at different times of day to try and snatch an earlier appointment,
Step 2: Get your paperwork in order
In order to successfully apply for a NIE, you need take the following to your appointment:
- A fully filled-out EX15 form (see below)
- Proof of having paid the Tasa modelo 790-012 (see below)
- Your passport (only the biometric page if an EU or EEA passport; all pages otherwise)
- Minors only: Original and photocopy of birth certificate
- Copies of all of the above.
EX15 form
You can download this form here. Print it out and fill it in in clear, capital letters.
It is fairly straightforward – the only section that may cause problems is part 4.2 where it asks you for the reason for wanting a NIE.
If you don’t have a concrete reason, or you’re still looking for a job, select “Por intereses económicos” and write abrir una cuenta bancaria (opening a bank account), or similar, as your motivation.
Tasa modelo 790-012
The Tasa modelo 790-012 is the fee to process your NIE. As of October 2024, it costs 9.84 euros. This is an electronic form which can be completed here.
Fill in your details, then scroll to “Autoliquidación” and make sure “Principal” is selected.
Then select “Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado” under the “Documentos de identidad y títulos y documentos de viaje a extranjeros indocumentados y otros documentos” section.
In the final section, type “Málaga” as ‘localidad’. The date will appear automatically. The fee will appear in “Ingreso“.
If you have a foreign bank account, we recommend that you pay in cash. So, select “En efectivo“, complete the Captcha and click “Descargar impreso rellenado” to download your form.
Take the form to any bank and pay your fee in cash. They will then stamp the form as proof of payment.
Note: Many banks will only do this type of procedure during the morning so don’t leave it until the day of your appointment! That said, don’t pay this form until the week before your appointment as it is only valid for two weeks and if you have to reschedule your appointment for any reason, you’ll have to pay it again.
Step 3: Attend your appointment
When the big day comes, make sure you get to your appointment on time!
The police station is an easy taxi or bus ride from the Alameda Principal in the city centre. Once you get there, you really can’t miss it! It’s an enormous building with a helipad on the roof.
Head across the lawn to the main double entrance and join the huddle around the right-hand door.
Every ten or so minutes, a police officer will come out and ask for those who have an appointment at that time. Announce yourself to them then they will usher you through security and in the correct direction for the queue.
Once you are called, present your documents. If you have filled out the paperwork correctly, the officer will either provide you with your NIE immediately or provide you with a receipt and give you an approximate time to return to pick it up.
Tip: Try to take as many photocopies as possible of everything just in case. Take an empty copy of the EX15 form so if there are any errors you can correct them on the spot and not have to return at another time.
The Malaga Guru team comprises individuals of diverse ages and backgrounds who share a common bond – a deep affection for the city of Malaga, its rich culture, and its warm-hearted inhabitants!
that NIE white paper is useless these days, could not open a bank account with it, They asked for the green version which is certificacion EU
Link to site where you make appointments has changed to .
Sorry, this is the correct link
Thank you!! This has now been updated
Hi Daryl,
Amazingly detailed and helpful post! Thank you so much!
I wonder, does every member of the family need to submit an application for NIE or would a single one do? I imagine a single NIE would be sufficient to perform most or all of the necessary administrative tasks, and that might avoid all the hassle of translating/notarizing the kids’ birth certificates..
Thanks again!
Hello! So happy that you found this helpful! Generally children don’t require ID numbers until they turn 18. However, depending on your circumstances, if it will be in your their interests that their presence in Spain is formalised (for residency or nationality purposes, for example) then this may be worthwhile
Just a helpful note…..
There is a level of security on the appointment application page which means the page does not open for a UK based ip address.
I am going through this process at moment from UK only way I can get access to appointments page is if I use a VPN program to ‘appear’ to be in Spain (or France I’ve noticed too!)
Thank you for sharing!
Hi , thanks for all the information, very useful .
Can you tell me the current (Oct 23) 790-012 nie fee to pay into the Malaga bank ? .
They are different in all regions and can increase , so the inconvenience of a 2nd visit is nessary.
Thanks for help and advice
Kindest regards
Hi Peter – We’re glad you found this post useful!
It appears that the fee to process a NIE is still 9.84 euros.
Good luck with everything!