Winter events in Malaga

There are a number of reasons to look forward to the winter months in Malaga.

There’s always something happening… This is what’s on in December, January and February


Fiesta Mayor de Verdiales

Verdiales, also known as fandangos de Málaga, is a Flamenco-style music genre deeply ingrained in Andalusian culture. Originating in the vicinity of Almogía, inland Malaga, this rhythmic and melodic tradition has evolved over centuries, yet retains its essence as a celebration of communal bonds and shared histories. At the heart of verdiales lies its rhythmic structure, akin to soleares and […]
malaga carnival

Malaga Carnival, the first big party of the year

After the Christmas and Kings’ festivities are out of the way, we have to wait until around mid-February for the next big party of the year in Malaga. That said, it’s a big one. Like in many towns and cities across Spain, the Carnaval de Málaga is a big deal – a week-long celebration filled with music and colour. Much […]
día de andalucía – andalusia day

February 28th: Día de Andalucía, a celebration of regional identity

Every year, Día de Andalucía (Andalucía Day) is celebrated on February 28th. The day marks the anniversary of the 1980 referendum in which the people voted for the region of Andalucía to become an Autonomous Community of Spain. It’s marked by a number of official events and distinctions, including the naming of Hijos Predilectos (Favourite Children) and awarding Medallas de […]
reyes magos cabalgata málaga

Día de Reyes: The day the Three Kings come bearing Christmas presents in Spain

The Christmas festivities in Spain don’t officially come to a close until January 6th when Los Reyes Magos (the Three Kings or Wise Men) come from the East bearing gifts. It’s a national holiday in Spain (yes, another!) and is definitely the most popular among children as this is when they receive their holiday gifts. Although many families will also […]