What's on in Malaga

Malaga is such a vibrant city. No matter what time of year you come, there’s always something happening!

Latest listings

feria de los pueblos-fuengirola

Feria Internacional de los Países – Fuengirola’s annual celebration of diversity

Fuengirola‘s reputation has soared in recent years, attracting individuals from all over the world to set up their new home from home. Renowned for its unique blend of cultures, warm welcome and enviable lifestyle, the town shines as a beacon of diversity along the Costa del Sol. An annual highlight is the Feria Internacional de los Países, until recently known […]
la noche en blanco malaga

La Noche en Blanco de Málaga

Each year, Malaga hosts over 200 diverse events as part of its annual Noche en Blanco (Nuit Blanche or White Night) celebration. This vibrant occasion, which is replicated all around the world, grants free access to an array of cultural gems such as museums, art galleries, concerts and theatres. Throughout the city centre, which is turned into a de facto […]
Feria del Libro de Málaga (Malaga Book Fair) (1)

Feria del Libro de Málaga (Malaga Book Fair)

For more than half a century, the Feria del Libro de Málaga (Malaga Book Fair) has been a staple for book enthusiasts. The Paseo del Parque—among other locations, depending on the edition—plays host to this book fair every year. With casetas (stalls) representing the city’s major bookshops, publishing houses and boutiques, this fair offers a diverse selection of literature for […]
Semana Santa procession throne

Semana Santa: Easter in Malaga

Semana Santa (Holy Week, or simply Easter Week in English) is not just a religious festival… it’s a deep-rooted tradition dating back centuries. This week-long event brings together whole communities and has, in recent decades, become a major tourist attraction, especially in the major cities in the south of Spain, such as Malaga and Seville. During this week, Malaga is […]

Feria de Málaga, the biggest party of the year

Anyone who has been to Andalucía will have heard about the Feria de Málaga – the largest summer fair in southern Europe. This week-long party, which happens in the middle of August, brings normal city life to a standstill. If you need to run errands, forget it. A five-minute walk will become 45 minutes, and when you get there, chances […]

Fiesta Mayor de Verdiales

Verdiales, also known as fandangos de Málaga, is a Flamenco-style music genre deeply ingrained in Andalusian culture. Originating in the vicinity of Almogía, inland Malaga, this rhythmic and melodic tradition has evolved over centuries, yet retains its essence as a celebration of communal bonds and shared histories. At the heart of verdiales lies its rhythmic structure, akin to soleares and […]
Luke Haynes (12)

Picassian bullfight

Every year, bullfighting enthusiasts and art lovers are given the chance to witness something quite unique: the Corrida Picassiana (Picassian Bullfight). Lasting around two hours, this event combines the tradition of bullfighting with the artistry of Malaga-born Pablo Picasso. During the Picassian Bullfight, expect to see bullfighters dressed in costumes inspired by Picasso’s art, with colourful and abstract designs. What’s […]
festival de málaga film festival

Malaga Film Festival

Every March, Malaga city centre gets yet another glamorous makeover when the Festival de Málaga, Malaga’s much-loved film festival and 10-day celebration of Spanish-language cinema, commences its annual run. Over 200 films are shown at spectacular venues across the city – including Teatro Cervantes, Cine Albéniz and even the Picasso museum – with Calle Larios and Calle Alcazabilla serving as both […]
malaga carnival

Malaga Carnival, the first big party of the year

After the Christmas and Kings’ festivities are out of the way, we have to wait until around mid-February for the next big party of the year in Malaga. That said, it’s a big one. Like in many towns and cities across Spain, the Carnaval de Málaga is a big deal – a week-long celebration filled with music and colour. Much […]

Halloween in Malaga

Though not an occasion historically celebrated in Spain, as each year goes by, Halloween manages to get more and more people into the spooky spirit. Every year now, the streets of Malaga are especially busy with families and those who are young at heart donning extravagant costumes. As ever, the people of Malaga love to celebrate with good humour, dressing […]
cementerio san miguel malaga

November 1st: Día de Todos los Santos, Spain’s Day of the Dead

Across much of the Latin world, November 1st is a massive occasion. In Spain, Día de Todos los Santos (or All Saints’ Day in English) directly follows Halloween and is a public holiday across the country. It’s a day when families and individuals remember those who have died – and the occasion is marked in many different ways. Celebrating Día […]
cine abierto malaga

Cine Abierto

With the summer heat suffocating at times, getting outdoors once the sun has set could well be the perfect remedy. That’s why, as part of the Festival de Málaga, the city hall every summer launches the Cine Abierto series of open-air screenings in various locations. The showings cater for wide audiences, especially families, and are free to view though some […]